Accessories. Empty old postcard albums, small albums for covers and FDCs, and six binders containing approximately 200 V..
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Accessories. Empty old postcard albums, small albums for covers and FDCs, and six binders containing approximately 200 Visir/Hagner sheets. About 20 albums in total. Condition mixed but useful in two wardrobe boxes. Approx. 15 kg. Show less
Accessories. MICHEL CATALOGUES EUROPE 2020 1-6 (Alpenländer, Mitteleuropa, Westeuropa, Iberische Halbinsel, Appeninen-Halbinsel, Westlicher Balkan.
Accessories. MICHEL CATALOGUES EUROPE 2020 1-6 (Alpenländer, Mitteleuropa, Westeuropa, Iberische Halbinsel, Appeninen-Halbinsel, Westlicher Balkan. Show less
Accessories. MICHEL CATALOGUES Südwesteuropa 2019, Südeuropa 2018, Südosteuropa 2018/2019, Nordeuropa 2019/2020, Deutsch..
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Accessories. MICHEL CATALOGUES Südwesteuropa 2019, Südeuropa 2018, Südosteuropa 2018/2019, Nordeuropa 2019/2020, Deutschland-Spezial part 1-2. Also Australien Ozeanien Antarktis 2016 A-M and Facit Special 2010. Show less