Manuscripts. ANTHONIUS BRUSENIUS ( –1579). Dutch apothecary who served with Erik XIV and Johan III, and was the first to..
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Manuscripts. ANTHONIUS BRUSENIUS ( –1579). Dutch apothecary who served with Erik XIV and Johan III, and was the first to receive a royal letter of privilege to open a pharmacy outside the city for the needs of the public in 1575. Document dated 'holmia (Stockholm) 16 octobris ao (15)78'. Visa mindre
Sweden. Prephilately. EXTRA POST. War against Russia 1808–1809. Defence of Swedish mainland. Requisition for Extra mail..
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Sweden. Prephilately. EXTRA POST. War against Russia 1808–1809. Defence of Swedish mainland. Requisition for Extra mail transport of one letter by Swedish Post, ordered by the military from Norrtelje Post Office to command of the fleet (Swedish Navy) without delay, 12 August (1809). Extra Mail transport was between the regular ones and could be ordered by high officials. Sweden lost whole Finland in the peace September 1809. Only a handful known items and very rare related to a Swedish war. Visa mindre
Sweden. Prephilately. PARISH MAIL letter (worn) sent from Berga 22.3.1833 to ten different crown hunters, then returned..
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Sweden. Prephilately. PARISH MAIL letter (worn) sent from Berga 22.3.1833 to ten different crown hunters, then returned on 26.3. With brown feather and notation 'Ordres Circulerar Skyndsamt mellan kronojägarne ...'. Interesting and scarce. Visa mindre
Sweden. Prephilately. PARISH MAIL cover with content dated 'Sidensjö den 15 Juli 1887' with black feather and notation '..
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Sweden. Prephilately. PARISH MAIL cover with content dated 'Sidensjö den 15 Juli 1887' with black feather and notation 'Budkafle' and '... skolande denna Budkafvel man från man och by från by befordras'. Nice item. Visa mindre
Sweden. Prephilately. SEXTON MAIL cover with notation 'Fortskaffas genom skyndsam Klockarepost. afgår från Öfvergran d...
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Sweden. Prephilately. SEXTON MAIL cover with notation 'Fortskaffas genom skyndsam Klockarepost. afgår från Öfvergran d. 25 aug. kl. 12 till Häggeby. Cirka 1820. Exhibition item. Postal: 8000:- Visa mindre
Sweden. Prephilately. Presumably COMBINATION MAIL letter dated 'Christianstads Lands Contoir den 10 Junü 1808' with crow..
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Sweden. Prephilately. Presumably COMBINATION MAIL letter dated 'Christianstads Lands Contoir den 10 Junü 1808' with crown mark and with a red wax seal 'CHRISTIANSTAD POST CONTOIRS SIGILL', sent as an unlisted letter to Mansdala. Highly interesting item. Ex. Ivarsson. Visa mindre
Sweden. Prephilately. Resolution and declaration dated 'Riks-Dagen i Stockholm den 25 Maji Åhr 1720', with crown coil. O..
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Sweden. Prephilately. Resolution and declaration dated 'Riks-Dagen i Stockholm den 25 Maji Åhr 1720', with crown coil. On the reverse a handwritten tour list for 13 places in Södermanland, e.g. Dillnäs, Åker and Lanna, with instruction 'På följande sätt skall dessa av Allmogen begärd förklaring av Resolution i Gripsholms pastorat till allmänheten Publiceras'. Highly interesting documentation. Visa mindre
Sweden. General mail. Cover dated '21 nov 1710', with notation '' (Fribrev), with listing number '1' and with thre..
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Sweden. General mail. Cover dated '21 nov 1710', with notation '' (Fribrev), with listing number '1' and with three open crowns, sent to Nils Adelstierna in Gripsholm. Visa mindre
Sweden. General mail. Registered cover dated 'Westerås 5 Octob. 1784' sent to Stockholm.
Sweden. General mail. Registered cover dated 'Westerås 5 Octob. 1784' sent to Stockholm. Visa mindre
Sweden. General mail. Cover with notations 'fr brf' (Fribrev) and 'Extrapost' sent to Skara.
Sweden. General mail. Cover with notations 'fr brf' (Fribrev) and 'Extrapost' sent to Skara. Visa mindre
Sweden. General mail. Beautiful early cover with arrival date '26 January (1)643' sent to the admiralty.
Sweden. General mail. Beautiful early cover with arrival date '26 January (1)643' sent to the admiralty. Visa mindre
Sweden. General mail. Beautiful early cover with arrival date '5 February 1646' sent to Kongl. Admiralitets Collegio in Stockholm.
Sweden. General mail. Beautiful early cover with arrival date '5 February 1646' sent to Kongl. Admiralitets Collegio in Stockholm. Visa mindre
Sweden. Courier mail. SIGISMUND (1566–1632). Very beautiful and rare letter to 'Kong Maijt wår Elskelige käre herr fader..
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Sweden. Courier mail. SIGISMUND (1566–1632). Very beautiful and rare letter to 'Kong Maijt wår Elskelige käre herr faders trotienare och fougde uti Håbo och Erlinghundra härader Brunte Bruntesson, Nådeligen', regarding Policarpus Kopp and his wedding, dated at Borgholms slott on 7 sept 1585. Interesting item with full front page and signed by hereditary prince Sigismund. RARITY and INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION ITEM! Visa mindre
Sweden. Courier mail. A truly beautiful cover with four lines of titles, sent to Master Johan Ulrich, dated 'Arboga (?)..
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Sweden. Courier mail. A truly beautiful cover with four lines of titles, sent to Master Johan Ulrich, dated 'Arboga (?) 26 juni 1597'. Only a few 16th century letters are found in private hands. Visa mindre
Sweden. Courier mail. Nice cover dated '... krigs Rätten inlagt (1)637', sent to 'Den stormechtige Högborne Fürstinna ....
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Sweden. Courier mail. Nice cover dated '... krigs Rätten inlagt (1)637', sent to 'Den stormechtige Högborne Fürstinna ... Christina, ..., min allernådigaste Drottning, detta underdådeligen och ödmjukeligen'. No content. Visa mindre
Sweden. Courier mail. Early cover sent to Barbro Bielke (most likely Barbro Axelsdotter (Bielke af Åkerö), 1556–1624). No content, without date.
Sweden. Courier mail. Early cover sent to Barbro Bielke (most likely Barbro Axelsdotter (Bielke af Åkerö), 1556–1624). No content, without date. Visa mindre
Sweden. Courier mail. Cover with arrival date '12 xbris Ano 1629' sent to Gustaf Horn. Small tear of less importance.
Sweden. Courier mail. Cover with arrival date '12 xbris Ano 1629' sent to Gustaf Horn. Small tear of less importance. Visa mindre
Sweden. U county. Crown post. Beautiful letter dated 'Strömsholm d: 27: Aprill Ao: 1706, with three open crowns, sent to..
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Sweden. U county. Crown post. Beautiful letter dated 'Strömsholm d: 27: Aprill Ao: 1706, with three open crowns, sent to Johan von Brehmer (1650–1707), Gripsholm. He worked from 1674 in various functions within the state administration and at Queen Hedvig Eleonora's court, where from 1705 he was director of the queen's counting chamber and court office. Visa mindre
Sweden. Crown post. Cover with modern pencil note '1746', with three open crowns and notation 'Framföres skyndsamt', sen..
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Sweden. Crown post. Cover with modern pencil note '1746', with three open crowns and notation 'Framföres skyndsamt', sent to Kongl. Jemtelands Dragone Regemte. Visa mindre
Sweden. Crown post. Cover dated 'Ronneby 10 Febr: 1812', with beautiful crown coil and notation 'FORT FORT', sent to Kiärragården.
Sweden. Crown post. Cover dated 'Ronneby 10 Febr: 1812', with beautiful crown coil and notation 'FORT FORT', sent to Kiärragården. Visa mindre
Sweden. S county. Crown post. Letter dated 'Visterud d: 2 April 1737', with beautiful crown coil, sent to Malma. Also notation 'N. II'.
Sweden. S county. Crown post. Letter dated 'Visterud d: 2 April 1737', with beautiful crown coil, sent to Malma. Also notation 'N. II'. Visa mindre
Sweden. Crown post. Cover with remains of feathers on the reverse and with notation '... af Extra brefbärare d 23 febr 1840', sent to Lunden.
Sweden. Crown post. Cover with remains of feathers on the reverse and with notation '... af Extra brefbärare d 23 febr 1840', sent to Lunden. Visa mindre
Sweden. Feather letter. Letter dated 'Löfåsa den 9de maj 1848' with white feather, crown coil and notation 'wid 6 2/4 R...
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Sweden. Feather letter. Letter dated 'Löfåsa den 9de maj 1848' with white feather, crown coil and notation 'wid 6 2/4 R. Bco wite', sent to Månstorp. Visa mindre
Sweden. Feather letter. Letter dated '1 Februaru 1838' with white feather, crown coil and notation 'fort', sent to Uppebo.
Sweden. Feather letter. Letter dated '1 Februaru 1838' with white feather, crown coil and notation 'fort', sent to Uppebo. Visa mindre
Sweden. Military prephilately. SOLDIER'S MAIL. Letter dated 'Segertorp den 8de Febr. 1840' with black feather and notati..
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Sweden. Military prephilately. SOLDIER'S MAIL. Letter dated 'Segertorp den 8de Febr. 1840' with black feather and notation 'Fortställes af Soldater och Vacante Rotar utan uppehåll med laga ansvar', sent to Ulrichehamn. Interesting COMBINATION MAIL item. Visa mindre
Sweden. Military prephilately. SOLDIERS MAIL letter dated '14 maj 1807' with white feather(s), crown coil and notation '..
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Sweden. Military prephilately. SOLDIERS MAIL letter dated '14 maj 1807' with white feather(s), crown coil and notation 'fortskaffas af soldaten No. 106 Kahl utan uppehåll', to Gamla Upsala. Decorative item. Visa mindre
Sweden. Lösenförsändelser. Postage due mark MED ÅNGBÅT. UDDEVALLA LÖSEN 4 Sk: Bo 1857, without date, type 3 ID, on lette..
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Sweden. Lösenförsändelser. Postage due mark MED ÅNGBÅT. UDDEVALLA LÖSEN 4 Sk: Bo 1857, without date, type 3 ID, on letter dated 'Marstrand den 21 aug 1857' and with notation 'pr ångaren Uddevalla'. Nice item. Postal: 5000:- Visa mindre
Sweden. A county. Handwriting-styled postmark. Very beautiful cover with Stockholm postmark type 1a, sent to Köping and..
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Sweden. A county. Handwriting-styled postmark. Very beautiful cover with Stockholm postmark type 1a, sent to Köping and with contents, dated 13 Dec.1720. Visa mindre
Sweden. E county. NORRKÖPING, straight postmark. Type 1 negative, on superb cover dated '1770' by pencil, sent to Stockh..
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Sweden. E county. NORRKÖPING, straight postmark. Type 1 negative, on superb cover dated '1770' by pencil, sent to Stockholm. Used during the short time for the temporary placement of the Swedish parliament during 1769–1770. One of the most important Swedish postmarks during the prephilatelic period, allegedly only three recorded. Ex. Ingvar Pettersson. Ex. Kersti and Bertil I. Larsson. Visa mindre
Sweden. O county. STOCKHOLM, straight postmark. Type 1 on cover sent to Gabriel Falkenberg, Mariestad. Superb. Postal: 10000:-
Sweden. O county. STOCKHOLM, straight postmark. Type 1 on cover sent to Gabriel Falkenberg, Mariestad. Superb. Postal: 10000:- Visa mindre
Sweden. A county. STOCKHOLM, straight postmark. Type 7 on early registered cover sent to Vadstena. Arrival note '23(?) J..
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Sweden. A county. STOCKHOLM, straight postmark. Type 7 on early registered cover sent to Vadstena. Arrival note '23(?) Julü 1777' on the reverse. With seals e.g. from the Post Office in Stockholm and part of coarce lacing. Nice item! Visa mindre
Sweden. A county. STOCKHOLM 4.11.1834, arc postmark. Type 4 on domestic letter that has been pierced for cholera and sen..
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Sweden. A county. STOCKHOLM 4.11.1834, arc postmark. Type 4 on domestic letter that has been pierced for cholera and sent to Norrköping. Very scarce. Postal: 5000:- Visa mindre
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Swedish Pomerania. Incoming letter dated 'Greifswald 24: April 1814' sent to Gothenburg.
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Swedish Pomerania. Incoming letter dated 'Greifswald 24: April 1814' sent to Gothenburg. Visa mindre
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Swedish Wismar. Letter with content dated 'Stockh 16 april 1754' sent to Mauritz Ulrich.
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Swedish Wismar. Letter with content dated 'Stockh 16 april 1754' sent to Mauritz Ulrich. Visa mindre
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Saint Barthélemy. Nice cover with interesting contents dated 'Stockholm 20.2.1835' with a..
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Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Saint Barthélemy. Nice cover with interesting contents dated 'Stockholm 20.2.1835' with arrival note '13 maj'. Canc. L.S 2 AP 2 1835. Sent via St. Kitts to Govenor's Secretary Ulrich. Visa mindre
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Saint Barthélemy. Privately conveyed letter dated 'St Barts den 29 Augusti 1850', sent fr..
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Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Saint Barthélemy. Privately conveyed letter dated 'St Barts den 29 Augusti 1850', sent from Carl Ulrich to his brother Arvid Ulricht, Stockholm. An interestig item from the Swedish West Indies. Visa mindre
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Austria. Partly prepaid letter dated 'Gothenburg 31 Aug 1799' sent via Hamburg to Bolzano..
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Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Austria. Partly prepaid letter dated 'Gothenburg 31 Aug 1799' sent via Hamburg to Bolzano, Tyrol. Early usage of transit mark SUEDE. Superb. Visa mindre
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Egypt. Unpaid ladies envelope with embossed print on reverse, sent from STOCKHOLM12.1.185..
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Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Egypt. Unpaid ladies envelope with embossed print on reverse, sent from STOCKHOLM12.1.1857 via KS&NPA HAMBURG 18.1.1857 and TRIEST 22.1, then by Austrian Lloyd steamer to ALEXANDRIA 2.2. Postage due 24 piastres. Very scarce with unpaid letters sent to Africa during the Sk Bco stamp period. Ex. Nilsson. Visa mindre
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. France. Unpaid cover sent via LÜBECK 8.10.1854 to Paris. With superb strike of the sought..
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Sweden. Foreign-related cover. France. Unpaid cover sent via LÜBECK 8.10.1854 to Paris. With superb strike of the sought-after mark K.B. aus SCHWEDEN. Visa mindre
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Germany. Incoming cover sent via KSNPC i Greifswald d. 31.MAI. (P: 3000) to Stockholm. Superb.
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Germany. Incoming cover sent via KSNPC i Greifswald d. 31.MAI. (P: 3000) to Stockholm. Superb. Visa mindre
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Germany. Incoming unpaid cover sent from Hamburg with the scarce and sought-after mark K...
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Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Germany. Incoming unpaid cover sent from Hamburg with the scarce and sought-after mark K.S.P.A. (D). 24.1.1860, used only in January 1860. Postage due notation '45' (öre). Superb quality. Visa mindre
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Great Britain. Partly prepaid letter sent from STOCKHOLM 11.10.1836 via KSNPC i Greifswal..
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Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Great Britain. Partly prepaid letter sent from STOCKHOLM 11.10.1836 via KSNPC i Greifswald d. 15.OCT. (P: 3000) to London. Ex. Ivarsson. Visa mindre
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Great Britain. Incoming cover sent from ISLE OF MAN 18.MR.1848 to Sundsvall. Other cancel..
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Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Great Britain. Incoming cover sent from ISLE OF MAN 18.MR.1848 to Sundsvall. Other cancellations, e.g. PEELTOWN ISLE OF MAN, PAID SO 20.3.1848, HAMBURG 24.3, HAMBURG KD&NOPA 24.3 and HELSINGBORG 27.3.1848. Nice cover. Visa mindre
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Portugal. Partly prepaid letter dated 'Hernösand d. 28 aug 1806' sent via Hamburg to Lisb..
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Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Portugal. Partly prepaid letter dated 'Hernösand d. 28 aug 1806' sent via Hamburg to Lisbon. With the scarce lower type of SUEDE mark. Franco notation 'frco Antwerpen 8/'. Visa mindre
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Portugal. Prepaid letter dated 'Stockholm28 Avril 1826', sent from STOCKHOLM via STRALSUN..
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Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Portugal. Prepaid letter dated 'Stockholm28 Avril 1826', sent from STOCKHOLM via STRALSUND 3.MAI and Paris to Lisbon. With transit mark AV (Affrancissement Vérfié), which is very rare on Swedish mail, allegedly only two recorded. Exhibition item. Visa mindre
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Spain. Incoming unpaid cover sent from MALAGA ANDALUCIA BAXA via T. T. HAMBURG 2.Apr.33 a..
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Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Spain. Incoming unpaid cover sent from MALAGA ANDALUCIA BAXA via T. T. HAMBURG 2.Apr.33 and K.S.&N.P.C. HAMBURG 2.APR.33 to Stockholm. Visa mindre
Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Puerto Rico. Incoming letter dated 'Arecibo Portorico 9de Oct 1867' and cancelled Juste H..
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Sweden. Foreign-related cover. Puerto Rico. Incoming letter dated 'Arecibo Portorico 9de Oct 1867' and cancelled Juste Hjalmarsson Arecibo, Puertorico 9.OCT.1867, conveyed by Tesdorf Brothers to K.S.P.A. HAMBURG 25.11.1867 and then sent unpaid to Jönköping. Postage due notation '45 öre'. Very scarce destination. Superb exhibition item. NB. CORRECTED DESCRIPTION. Visa mindre
Sweden. Cover. Binder with 27 covers ca. 1700–1860s incl. e.g. Stockholm Bandeau 1742 with contents, two letters with B-..
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Sweden. Cover. Binder with 27 covers ca. 1700–1860s incl. e.g. Stockholm Bandeau 1742 with contents, two letters with B- and F-postmarks, Grästorp and Winslöf ray cancellations, Strömsholm and Södertälje arc. pmks, etc. Please see a selection of scans at Visa mindre
Sweden. Cover. Mostly incoming covers from Hamburg incl. one registered and one with notation 'pr Dampfschiff'. The enti..
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Sweden. Cover. Mostly incoming covers from Hamburg incl. one registered and one with notation 'pr Dampfschiff'. The entire lot is presented at Visa mindre
Sweden. Cover. CROWN MAIL covers incl. one with notation 'Kyrkopost' and one Finland-related. Also one free letter cance..
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Sweden. Cover. CROWN MAIL covers incl. one with notation 'Kyrkopost' and one Finland-related. Also one free letter cancelled NYKÖPING FRBR. The entire lot is presented at Visa mindre
Sweden. Cover. One cover and one letter with crown coils, the latter with small remainings of feather and is double used..
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Sweden. Cover. One cover and one letter with crown coils, the latter with small remainings of feather and is double used, first from Lagmannered 1 October 1825 to Billingsdahl then to Grönäs. Also one free letter sent from HÖGBY 23.5.1866 to Källinge and two reciepts with rectangular rural mail service cancellation Lantbrevbäraren Kilsmo Linje 1 (P: 200). Visa mindre
Sweden. Cover. Nice lot with twelve covers, most crown post ones with coils or crown marks. The entire lot is presented at
Sweden. Cover. Nice lot with twelve covers, most crown post ones with coils or crown marks. The entire lot is presented at Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 1a used, 3 skill light bluish green. Very beautiful example with SUPERB cancellation GEFLE 13.4.1856 (weak..
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Sweden. Facit 1a used, 3 skill light bluish green. Very beautiful example with SUPERB cancellation GEFLE 13.4.1856 (weakly folded corner perf, small ink mark). Cert. HOW 3,3,4. SEK 50000 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 1b used, 3 skill bluish green. Pair on piece cancelled STOCKHOLM 13.2.57. Certificate Grenstedt 1982 and M..
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Sweden. Facit 1b used, 3 skill bluish green. Pair on piece cancelled STOCKHOLM 13.2.57. Certificate Grenstedt 1982 and Mats Nilsson 2024 (2,2,2,2). Minor damages as a short perf. Unusual! Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 1b used, 3 skill bluish green on piece with rectangular canc. LUND x1.3.1858. Very fresh and beautiful exa..
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Sweden. Facit 1b used, 3 skill bluish green on piece with rectangular canc. LUND x1.3.1858. Very fresh and beautiful example with cert. HOW: 3,3,2-3. SEK 50000 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 1b used, 3 skill bluish green. Beautiful copy cancelled STOCKHOLM 31.10.1856. Double perf. at bottom. Smal..
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Sweden. Facit 1b used, 3 skill bluish green. Beautiful copy cancelled STOCKHOLM 31.10.1856. Double perf. at bottom. Small imperfections: short corner perf. small thin spot and a few slightly short perfs. Certificate Mats Nilsson 1, 4, 3 (2024). SEK 50000 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 1b on piece, 3 skill bluish green. Perfect canc. STOCKHOLM 26.4.1858. Tiny tear. Stamp removed from paper...
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Sweden. Facit 1b on piece, 3 skill bluish green. Perfect canc. STOCKHOLM 26.4.1858. Tiny tear. Stamp removed from paper. Certificate M Nilsson 1, 1, 5 (2024). Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 2 used, 4 skill blue (short perf) with an excellent rectangular WISBY 15.7.1855, first month.
Sweden. Facit 2 used, 4 skill blue (short perf) with an excellent rectangular WISBY 15.7.1855, first month. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 3a1 used, 6 skill grey on thin paper. Very beautiful example with one double perf. Cancelled STOCKHOLM 31...
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Sweden. Facit 3a1 used, 6 skill grey on thin paper. Very beautiful example with one double perf. Cancelled STOCKHOLM 31.3.1857 and small ink mark. Cert: HOW: 3,3,3. SEK 12000 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 3e used, 6 skill brownish grey on medium thick paper. Very beautiful copy cancelled GEFLE 6.5.1858. Horizo..
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Sweden. Facit 3e used, 6 skill brownish grey on medium thick paper. Very beautiful copy cancelled GEFLE 6.5.1858. Horizontal fold with tear. Certificate Sjöman (1969). SEK 12000 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 4a used, 8 skill orange-yellow, clear print on medium thick paper. Rectangular pmk KISA (County of Östergö..
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Sweden. Facit 4a used, 8 skill orange-yellow, clear print on medium thick paper. Rectangular pmk KISA (County of Östergötland) 22.6.185x (P: 2000 SEK). SEK 5500 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 5b used, 24 skill orange-red, thin paper (short perf). Fresh and beautiful example canc. Stockholm 28.10.5..
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Sweden. Facit 5b used, 24 skill orange-red, thin paper (short perf). Fresh and beautiful example canc. Stockholm 28.10.56. Cert. HOW: 3,3,3. SEK 18000 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 5c used, 24 skill brick-red with dense background on medium thick paper (short perf). Fresh and beautiful..
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Sweden. Facit 5c used, 24 skill brick-red with dense background on medium thick paper (short perf). Fresh and beautiful copy cancelled STOCKHOLM 29.5.1857. Cert. HOW: 2,2,3. SEK 18000 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 9c3, 11e2 on cover, 12+30 öre on very fine and beautiful cover sent from WAXHOLM 11.4.1868 to Algeria. Tra..
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Sweden. Facit 9c3, 11e2 on cover, 12+30 öre on very fine and beautiful cover sent from WAXHOLM 11.4.1868 to Algeria. Transit SUEDE ERQUELINES 15.AVRIL.68, PARIS 16.AVRIL.68 LYON A AVIGNON 17.AVRIL.68 and LYON A MARSEILLE 17.AVRIL.68. Arrival pmk ORAN ALGERIE 21.AVIL.68. one stamp with small imperfection of less importance. Intresting item to a scarce African destination. Certificate HOW 3 (4,4) (4,4) 3 (2013). Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 10d2 ★, 24 öre orange-yellow, perforation of 1865. Almost MNH. Cert. HOW 3–4. 3–4. 4. Very good–superb ex.
Sweden. Facit 10d2 ★, 24 öre orange-yellow, perforation of 1865. Almost MNH. Cert. HOW 3–4. 3–4. 4. Very good–superb ex. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 10h2 used, 24 öre reddish orange, perforation of 1865. EXCELLENT copy STOCKHOLM 31.10.1871 with cert. HOW: 5,5,5.
Sweden. Facit 10h2 used, 24 öre reddish orange, perforation of 1865. EXCELLENT copy STOCKHOLM 31.10.1871 with cert. HOW: 5,5,5. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 14Bg ★★/★, 3 öre greyish orange-brown, type II. Impressive, unused block of fifteen with stamps in positio..
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Sweden. Facit 14Bg ★★/★, 3 öre greyish orange-brown, type II. Impressive, unused block of fifteen with stamps in positions 71–75, 81–85 and 91–95 in the sheet, incl. one unused type III. Three stamps are MNH. Opinion (shade) by O.P. SEK 46200 as singles Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 15b on cover, 17 öre reddish-bluish lila. Very fresh copy with excellent centering on cover from GÖTEBORG..
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Sweden. Facit 15b on cover, 17 öre reddish-bluish lila. Very fresh copy with excellent centering on cover from GÖTEBORG 9.3.1869 to Denmark. SEK 5000 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 15b1 ★, 17 öre reddish-bluish lilac, perforation of 1855. Very fine–superb unused block of four. Scarce in..
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Sweden. Facit 15b1 ★, 17 öre reddish-bluish lilac, perforation of 1855. Very fine–superb unused block of four. Scarce in this quality. Certificate HOW 3–4, (3,3,4,4) 4 (1997). Opinion (shade) by O.P. Ex. Beckeman. SEK 130000+ Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 15b2 used, 17 öre reddish-bluish lilac, perforation of 1865. Superb example with an excellent cancellation..
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Sweden. Facit 15b2 used, 17 öre reddish-bluish lilac, perforation of 1865. Superb example with an excellent cancellation STOCKHOLM 28.6.1869. Cert. Sjöman: 4,4,5. Visa mindre
Sweden. Essay (★), C A Nymans proposal stamp FEM öre in grey-blue colour with smooth background.
Sweden. Essay (★), C A Nymans proposal stamp FEM öre in grey-blue colour with smooth background. Visa mindre
Sweden. Essay (★), C A Nymans proposal stamp TOLF öre in dull ultramarine colour with dashed background.
Sweden. Essay (★), C A Nymans proposal stamp TOLF öre in dull ultramarine colour with dashed background. Visa mindre
Sweden. Essay (★), C A Nymans proposal stamp TRETTIO öre in dull ultramarine colour with dashed background.
Sweden. Essay (★), C A Nymans proposal stamp TRETTIO öre in dull ultramarine colour with dashed background. Visa mindre
Sweden. Essay (★), C A Nymans Proposal stamp 30 öre blue with smooth background.
Sweden. Essay (★), C A Nymans Proposal stamp 30 öre blue with smooth background. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 19b ★, 5 öre light bluish green on white paper. Gloriously fresh and beautiful block of four, with only on..
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Sweden. Facit 19b ★, 5 öre light bluish green on white paper. Gloriously fresh and beautiful block of four, with only one slightly shorter perf. Certificate Obe. Superb 4 4 3 (1981). Opinion (shade) O.P. SEK 38400 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 25i ★, 30 öre greyish brown, light framing. Unused PAIR and two single stamps, as originally constituted a..
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Sweden. Facit 25i ★, 30 öre greyish brown, light framing. Unused PAIR and two single stamps, as originally constituted a block of four – now reconstructed. Pair is the LARGEST UNIT RECORDED for this stamp. EXHIBITION ITEM. Opinion (shade) by O.P. Ex. Beckeman. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 26g ★, 50 öre reddish carmine. Very fresh and beautiful unused PAIR, which is the LARGEST UNIT RECORDED. B..
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Sweden. Facit 26g ★, 50 öre reddish carmine. Very fresh and beautiful unused PAIR, which is the LARGEST UNIT RECORDED. Beyond this item, a recounstructed block of four that consists of two pairs is also recorded. Opinion (shade) by O.P. Ex. Beckeman. Visa mindre
Sweden. Official Facit Tj4g ★, 6 öre deep lilac, perf 14, yellowish paper. Fresh and beautiful. SEK 2500
Sweden. Official Facit Tj4g ★, 6 öre deep lilac, perf 14, yellowish paper. Fresh and beautiful. SEK 2500 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 29, 32 on cover, 2×4+12 öre cancelled with experimental beehive postmark GÖTEBORG 20.6.1882, on cover sent..
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Sweden. Facit 29, 32 on cover, 2×4+12 öre cancelled with experimental beehive postmark GÖTEBORG 20.6.1882, on cover sent to Great Britain, with arrival pmk LONDON E.C. PAID 23.JU.82. Folds through two stamps. Very scarce usage of this pmk to abroad. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 32 ★★, 12 öre blue and 24 öre yellow in blocks of four. SEK 12000
Sweden. Facit 32 ★★, 12 öre blue and 24 öre yellow in blocks of four. SEK 12000 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 37 used, 1 Riksdaler brown/blue with an excellent cancellation DUSS 19.11.1883.
Sweden. Facit 37 used, 1 Riksdaler brown/blue with an excellent cancellation DUSS 19.11.1883. Visa mindre
Sweden. Official Facit Tj16B used, 10 öre red, perf 13, type II. Excellent copy KARLSBORG 12.5.1905 with cert. HOW: 5,5,5.
Sweden. Official Facit Tj16B used, 10 öre red, perf 13, type II. Excellent copy KARLSBORG 12.5.1905 with cert. HOW: 5,5,5. Visa mindre
Sweden. Official Facit Tj22B ★★, 50 öre red, perf 13, type II. Cert. Bo Grenstedt "ett mycket bra exemplar av den svåra..
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Sweden. Official Facit Tj22B ★★, 50 öre red, perf 13, type II. Cert. Bo Grenstedt "ett mycket bra exemplar av den svåra typ 2...". SEK 4000 Visa mindre
Sweden. Postage due Facit L11a1 on cover, 2×1 öre as postage due on Norwegian postal card 5 øre sent from BERGEN 28.8.18..
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Sweden. Postage due Facit L11a1 on cover, 2×1 öre as postage due on Norwegian postal card 5 øre sent from BERGEN 28.8.1882 to Modum, then forwarded insufficently prepaid to STOCKHOLM STADEN 4.9.1882. Very nice exhibition item. Ex. Beckeman. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 43, bKe13 on cover, 5 öre on postcard 10 öre, as the sought-after overseas rate 15 öre, sent from KALMAR 5..
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Sweden. Facit 43, bKe13 on cover, 5 öre on postcard 10 öre, as the sought-after overseas rate 15 öre, sent from KALMAR 5.8.1891, by Compagnie de Messageries Maritimes "SAGHALIEN", from Marseille 9/8 1891, via Suez, Singapore and Hong Kong, to SHANGHAI LOCAL POST 12/9 1891. One of the key pc items of the Circle type issue – two recorded. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 60P (★), Proof type N only the head, imperferated on paper with wm crown, in PAIR (pos. 41–42), with sheet..
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Sweden. Facit 60P (★), Proof type N only the head, imperferated on paper with wm crown, in PAIR (pos. 41–42), with sheet margin with part of KPV and colour adjustment line. Scarce and EXCELLENT. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 65 ★★/★, 1903 General Post Office 5 Kr blue in block-of-four with two MNH copies. SEK 13800
Sweden. Facit 65 ★★/★, 1903 General Post Office 5 Kr blue in block-of-four with two MNH copies. SEK 13800 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 79 P (★), Imperforate margin pair on ungummed paper in Tête-Bêche with gutter. Vertical fold in the gutter..
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Sweden. Facit 79 P (★), Imperforate margin pair on ungummed paper in Tête-Bêche with gutter. Vertical fold in the gutter of minor importance. SCARCE. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 89 on cover, 35 öre on registered postcard sent from STOCKHOLM 1 11.12.1916 to French India, which never h..
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Sweden. Facit 89 on cover, 35 öre on registered postcard sent from STOCKHOLM 1 11.12.1916 to French India, which never had any facilities to deliver mail in the colony, hence the mail was handled by the British Indian P.O. in YANAM 21 and 22.1.17. Censor mark PASSED CENSOR BOMBAY. Undeliverable with cancels REFUSE REFUSED and D.L.O BOMBAY 25.JA.17. ONLY RECORDED Swedish mail sent to French India. Depicted in Ferdén. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 92, 94 ★★, 55 and 80 öre. Very beautiful examples with cert HOW: 55 öre 4,4,5, "Praktexemplar" and 80 öre 3,3,5.
Sweden. Facit 92, 94 ★★, 55 and 80 öre. Very beautiful examples with cert HOW: 55 öre 4,4,5, "Praktexemplar" and 80 öre 3,3,5. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 92, 94 ★, 55 and 80 öre. Very beautiful examples with almost invisible shades in gum. Cert HOW: 55 öre EXC..
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Sweden. Facit 92, 94 ★, 55 and 80 öre. Very beautiful examples with almost invisible shades in gum. Cert HOW: 55 öre EXCELLENT 5,5,4 and 80 öre superb 4,4,4. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 92, 94 ★, 55 och 80 öre (2). With cert. by Harry Wennberg "5 Juli 1924". Superb quality. SEK 36000
Sweden. Facit 92, 94 ★, 55 och 80 öre (2). With cert. by Harry Wennberg "5 Juli 1924". Superb quality. SEK 36000 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 92, 94bz ★, 55 och 80 öre (2). With cert. HOW: 55 öre 4.4.4 superb ex and 80 öre with wm KPV 3.3.4 very nice ex.
Sweden. Facit 92, 94bz ★, 55 och 80 öre (2). With cert. HOW: 55 öre 4.4.4 superb ex and 80 öre with wm KPV 3.3.4 very nice ex. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 125 on cover, 1916 Landstorm II 10+4,90 / 5 kr blue on attractive cover canc. STOCKHOLM 1, 2.11.17. A very..
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Sweden. Facit 125 on cover, 1916 Landstorm II 10+4,90 / 5 kr blue on attractive cover canc. STOCKHOLM 1, 2.11.17. A very scarce stamp on cover. SEK 7000 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 136–38 v1 ★, 1920 Air Mail Surcharge SET (3) surcharge up side down. All with owners mark. SEK 11500
Sweden. Facit 136–38 v1 ★, 1920 Air Mail Surcharge SET (3) surcharge up side down. All with owners mark. SEK 11500 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 196–225 ★, World Postal Congress and UPU in cpl. SETS (30). SEK 10900
Sweden. Facit 196–225 ★, World Postal Congress and UPU in cpl. SETS (30). SEK 10900 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 196–225 ★★/★, 1924 year sets incl. water marks and 30 öre dull greenish blue.
Sweden. Facit 196–225 ★★/★, 1924 year sets incl. water marks and 30 öre dull greenish blue. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 211–25 ★★, Over complete set incl. e.g. four copies each 5–60 öre. SEK 32100
Sweden. Facit 211–25 ★★, Over complete set incl. e.g. four copies each 5–60 öre. SEK 32100 Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 33, O county. GÖTEBORG 21.5.1880. Experimental perforation pmk, in use 1880 only, on cover sent to Rome, Italy.
Sweden. Facit 33, O county. GÖTEBORG 21.5.1880. Experimental perforation pmk, in use 1880 only, on cover sent to Rome, Italy. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 31, S county. KARLSTAD 3.3.1880. Experimental ventilator pmk used on postcard sent to STOCKHOLM 2.TUR 4.3.1880. Superb.
Sweden. Facit 31, S county. KARLSTAD 3.3.1880. Experimental ventilator pmk used on postcard sent to STOCKHOLM 2.TUR 4.3.1880. Superb. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 35, D county. KATRINEHOLM 8.1.1884. Experimental pearl-circle pmk, in use 1.1–30.1.1884 only. (Wrongly sep..
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Sweden. Facit 35, D county. KATRINEHOLM 8.1.1884. Experimental pearl-circle pmk, in use 1.1–30.1.1884 only. (Wrongly separated stamp – no perfs. at bottom, adjacent stamp visible on top). Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit bKe7, M county. MALMÖ 5 17.9.96. Experimental roller pmk used as arrival pmk on postal stationery card 5 ö..
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Sweden. Facit bKe7, M county. MALMÖ 5 17.9.96. Experimental roller pmk used as arrival pmk on postal stationery card 5 öre sent from TRELLEBORG 17.9.1896. Postal: 5000:- Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 21, S county. RÄMENSBRUK 30.6.1876. Cover sent via FILIPSTAD 30.6.1876 to Vadstena. Postal: 1500+.
Sweden. Facit 21, S county. RÄMENSBRUK 30.6.1876. Cover sent via FILIPSTAD 30.6.1876 to Vadstena. Postal: 1500+. Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit L14b, A county. STOCKHOLM C 28.4.1883. Experimental saw pmk, in use 28.4–29.4 1883 only. Certificate HOW (..
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Sweden. Facit L14b, A county. STOCKHOLM C 28.4.1883. Experimental saw pmk, in use 28.4–29.4 1883 only. Certificate HOW (2009) very fine–superb 3–4, 3–4, 4. Rare! Postal: 20000:- Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit Tj5, T county. ÖREBRO 4.6.1879. Experimental ventilator pmk, in use 1879 only. Postal: 5000:-
Sweden. Facit Tj5, T county. ÖREBRO 4.6.1879. Experimental ventilator pmk, in use 1879 only. Postal: 5000:- Visa mindre
Sweden. Facit 83, F county. HÖGASKOG 10.12.1919, Bläckmakuleringar. Very beautiful example from an extremely rare locality.
Sweden. Facit 83, F county. HÖGASKOG 10.12.1919, Bläckmakuleringar. Very beautiful example from an extremely rare locality. Visa mindre
Sweden. FDC, Facit 152A, 28-7-20 FDC with 20 öre Gustaf II Adolf sent within Linköping.
Sweden. FDC, Facit 152A, 28-7-20 FDC with 20 öre Gustaf II Adolf sent within Linköping. Visa mindre
Sweden. FDC, Facit 269cb, 1939 Gustaf V small numerals 10 öre violet, pair 4+3 in block of four. SEK 2500
Sweden. FDC, Facit 269cb, 1939 Gustaf V small numerals 10 öre violet, pair 4+3 in block of four. SEK 2500 Visa mindre
Sweden. Postal stationery, Stamped envelope, Facit Fk4 v1, Stamped envelope 10/12 öre with the scarce variety "Retouched..
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Sweden. Postal stationery, Stamped envelope, Facit Fk4 v1, Stamped envelope 10/12 öre with the scarce variety "Retouched outer frame". R5 (2–3 recorded) according to Facit. Superb and sought-after. Visa mindre
Sweden. Postal stationery, Single postcard, Facit bKe2 v.II, bKd1 v.V, TWO INDICIUMS – ONE COLOURLESS. Single postcard 6..
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Sweden. Postal stationery, Single postcard, Facit bKe2 v.II, bKd1 v.V, TWO INDICIUMS – ONE COLOURLESS. Single postcard 6 öre in one unused and seven used examples, and reply-paid cards 6+6 öre in three unused copies. E.g. different types and shades. Although some not the most clear examples a particularly scarce offer. Somewhat mixed quality. (12) F 38000. Visa mindre
Sweden. Postal stationery, Single postcard, Facit bKe2B, Postcard 6 öre sent insufficiently prepaid from PKXP No 2 10.6...
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Sweden. Postal stationery, Single postcard, Facit bKe2B, Postcard 6 öre sent insufficiently prepaid from PKXP No 2 10.6.1877 to Denmark. Allegedly, the EARLIEST RECORDED taxed postcard post-UPU sent to any foreign destination. Visa mindre
Sweden. Postal stationery, Single postcard, Facit bKe2CII, 18, Postcard 6 öre additionally franked with 4 öre perf. 14,..
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Sweden. Postal stationery, Single postcard, Facit bKe2CII, 18, Postcard 6 öre additionally franked with 4 öre perf. 14, sent from GNESTA 3.3.1880 to Verviers, Belgium! ONLY TWO RECORDED according to Facit. SEK 10000 Visa mindre
Sweden. Postal stationery, Single postcard, Facit bKe5, Postcard 15 öre sent from STOCKHOLM, by P&O 'PARRAMATTA' fro..
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Sweden. Postal stationery, Single postcard, Facit bKe5, Postcard 15 öre sent from STOCKHOLM, by P&O 'PARRAMATTA' from Brindisi to Aden and by P&O 'SIAM' from Aden to Bombay 18.8.1889, to SAUGOR, India. Sought-after and scarce correct overseas rate usage. Ex. Daun. Visa mindre
Sweden. Postal stationery, Double postcard, Facit bKd2AI, Response card 10 öre (weak crease) sent from STOCKHOLM K...
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Sweden. Postal stationery, Double postcard, Facit bKd2AI, Response card 10 öre (weak crease) sent from STOCKHOLM K.E. 1.8.1881 to Germany. Transit PKXP No 2 2.8.1881 and arrival pmk I 3.8. Very scarce postal stationery. SEK 5000 Visa mindre
Sweden. Postal stationery, Double postcard, Facit bKd2CI, Originating card 10 öre sent from STOCKHOLM C 27.9.1878 to Got..
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Sweden. Postal stationery, Double postcard, Facit bKd2CI, Originating card 10 öre sent from STOCKHOLM C 27.9.1878 to Gothenburg. EXCELLENT, rarity in this quality. SEK 5000++ Visa mindre
Sweden. Air mail cover, Facit 97, Registred "Zeppelin letter", sent from KARLSTAD 26.9.1933 through Berlin to Buenos Air..
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Sweden. Air mail cover, Facit 97, Registred "Zeppelin letter", sent from KARLSTAD 26.9.1933 through Berlin to Buenos Aires (Argentine) Franked with 2x97 with bottom margin + F234. Transit cds Berlin-Sassnitz Bahnpost 27.6, Berlin C 27.6 and arrival cds Buenos Ayres x.7.1933 on the reverse side of the cover. Sent with the third south american journey by Graf Zeppelin. SEK 8000 Visa mindre
Sweden. Military cover, INTERNMENT CAMP MAIL, ALBATROSS. One receipt cancelled ROMA KLOSTER 17.9.1915, one letter list (..
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Sweden. Military cover, INTERNMENT CAMP MAIL, ALBATROSS. One receipt cancelled ROMA KLOSTER 17.9.1915, one letter list (‘Briefkarte’) cancelled BERLIN C MARINE POSTBUREAU 28.11.15 with notation ‘Albatross’ and one handwritten list of money orders dated 'Roma Kloster den 28 September 1915'. All with minor paper losses. The entire lot is presented at (3). Visa mindre
Sweden. Military cover, INTERNMENT CAMP MAIL, ALBATROSS. Unstamped postcard with scarce notation ‘Censurerat S’. Sent fr..
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Sweden. Military cover, INTERNMENT CAMP MAIL, ALBATROSS. Unstamped postcard with scarce notation ‘Censurerat S’. Sent from ‘Roma (Kloster) 8.IX.1915’ and VISBY 9.9.1915 to Tingstäde. Visa mindre
Sweden. Military cover, INTERNMENT CAMP MAIL, ALBATROSS. Unstamped cover with notation ‘Marine-feldpost’ and with specia..
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Sweden. Military cover, INTERNMENT CAMP MAIL, ALBATROSS. Unstamped cover with notation ‘Marine-feldpost’ and with special cancellations MILITÄRCENSUR *WISBY* and Portofritt Gps skr. III 1913/15. Sent from VISBY 10.3.1916. Visa mindre
Sweden. Postal stationery, collection POSTAL CARDS 1872–1960s. Ambitious collection on beautiful leaves in five fresh SA..
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Sweden. Postal stationery, collection POSTAL CARDS 1872–1960s. Ambitious collection on beautiful leaves in five fresh SAFE binders with cassettes in box, with single cards, reply-paid cards, official cards, PS, etc. With specified types, shades, date figures, etc., plus a few varities. Mostly unused incl. e.g. bKe30 and a cpl. SET (20) of bKe33. Prepared also for most items missing – easy to continue with and a great basis for an advanced study. Mostly good quality. Approx. 12 kg. Visa mindre
Sweden. Postal stationery. Collection 1872–modern in two binders. Containing two used bKe1 incl. one Schröder, bKd15 rep..
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Sweden. Postal stationery. Collection 1872–modern in two binders. Containing two used bKe1 incl. one Schröder, bKd15 reply-paid, bKd23 to Finland, kB22 and 23 with add. frank., bKe24c, 21 used bKe33, etc. Please see a selection of scans at (430) Visa mindre