Lot 2850 V

Japan, military occupation. ★★/★/⊙. A fascinating and important collection, mint and used, of these issues including excellent postal history and useful collateral currency incl. both Gilden and Pesos denominations for the areas covering Japanese Occupation of Burma incl. red and green 'X' postmarks obliterating the head of King George VI, as well as much Japanese Army issues and pictorials of different perfs, through to Japanese Occupation of Malaya particularly Kelantan with the 'Chef's Hat', both oval red and black box o/p handstamp, e.g. Tan #J30 mint + straightline 1 ct red oval and much more incl. covers for the first anniversary of the fall of Singapore with commercial on to further Jap. Occ. of Malaysia, such as some very interesting Brunei 1, 2, 10 and 25 o/ps, Selangor dollar values, excellent North Borneo incl. varieties, well worth researching. There is also further postal history incl. o/ps on Hong Kong, etc. Overal a wonderful range that will delight the specialist, please view carefully as much is not presented to best advantage and many finds are likely. The entire lot is presented at www.philea.se.
