Medals, non-regal, Sweden. Olympic Games in Stockholm 1912. Participant medal. Pewter, (50 mm), 47,85 g, by E.B. Mackena..
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Medals, non-regal, Sweden. Olympic Games in Stockholm 1912. Participant medal. Pewter, (50 mm), 47,85 g, by E.B. Mackenal (obverse) and E. Lindberg (reverse). Ehrensvärd 106. 1+/01. Show less
Medals, non-regal, France. Marriage medal in silver 1895/1905, by O. Roty. Obv: Seated woman and kneeling man. Rev. anci..
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Medals, non-regal, France. Marriage medal in silver 1895/1905, by O. Roty. Obv: Seated woman and kneeling man. Rev. ancient fountain under oak. Edge: Cornucopia ARGENT. Térisse 729; Maier 98. 42 mm. 32.20 g. XF. Show less
Medals, non-regal, Germany Reich. Kaiser 449, Silver medal to Zeppelin LZ126 journey to USA in 1924. Obv: Portrait of Dr..
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Medals, non-regal, Germany Reich. Kaiser 449, Silver medal to Zeppelin LZ126 journey to USA in 1924. Obv: Portrait of Dr. Hugo Eckener. Rev: Zeppelin over skyline and text relating to the Zeepelin flight of LZ 126. VF-XF. Show less
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. Lot. 14 medals in base metals. The entire lot is presented at 1+/01-01.
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. Lot. 14 medals in base metals. The entire lot is presented at 1+/01-01. Show less
Medals, non-regal, U.S.A. 1893. 7.58 g. Medal in aluminum depicting John Ericsson, the designer of the USS Monitor, 42 mm. XF.
Medals, non-regal, U.S.A. 1893. 7.58 g. Medal in aluminum depicting John Ericsson, the designer of the USS Monitor, 42 mm. XF. Show less
Medals, non-regal, Russia. Diakov 564.1, 1841. 62.23 g, silver medal, 50 mm. Engraved by P. Utkin, in honor of Count Reh..
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Medals, non-regal, Russia. Diakov 564.1, 1841. 62.23 g, silver medal, 50 mm. Engraved by P. Utkin, in honor of Count Rehbinder, 1841. Obv: Rehbinder bust, signed on truncation, vital dates below. Rev: Four-line latin legend: " with love from fellow-citivens to a glorious man for merit to the motherland" within wreath. VF-XF. Show less
Medals, non-regal, Germany Silesia. 25.34 g. Silver death medal 1690's, 48 mm. Obv: Jesus standing with bare upper body;..
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Medals, non-regal, Germany Silesia. 25.34 g. Silver death medal 1690's, 48 mm. Obv: Jesus standing with bare upper body; legend: "In den süssen JESUS Wunden Hastu Pate Leben Funden." Rev: Death scene inside Church; legend: " Durch die Tauff in Himmels Orden Bistu auf genommen worden". By J. Buchheim. Edge pierced at top and bottom. VF. Show less
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. 1973. 63.29 g. Silver medal of David Livingstone, 44 mm, by Kauko Räsänen. No: 407 of 600. 0.
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. 1973. 63.29 g. Silver medal of David Livingstone, 44 mm, by Kauko Räsänen. No: 407 of 600. 0. Show less
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. 1973. 77.58 g. Silver medal of James Cook, 44 mm, by Kauko Räsänen. No: 407 of 600. 0.
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. 1973. 77.58 g. Silver medal of James Cook, 44 mm, by Kauko Räsänen. No: 407 of 600. 0. Show less
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. 1973. 64.78 g. Silver medal of Robert E Peary, 44 mm, by Kauko Räsänen. No: 407 of 600. 0.
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. 1973. 64.78 g. Silver medal of Robert E Peary, 44 mm, by Kauko Räsänen. No: 407 of 600. 0. Show less
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. Idrottsföreningarnas Riksförbund, by A. Lindberg. Silver, 43.79 g. 01.
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. Idrottsföreningarnas Riksförbund, by A. Lindberg. Silver, 43.79 g. 01. Show less
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. Stockholms amatörförening, by A. Lindberg. Silver, 32.68 g. Minor scratch. Beautiful patina and lustre! 01/0.
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. Stockholms amatörförening, by A. Lindberg. Silver, 32.68 g. Minor scratch. Beautiful patina and lustre! 01/0. Show less
Medals, non-regal, Norway. 12.46 g. Silver medal "Det Konglige Selskap For Norges Vel - For Lang og Tro Tjenste". Engraved "Nils A. Ruud 1950". 01.
Medals, non-regal, Norway. 12.46 g. Silver medal "Det Konglige Selskap For Norges Vel - For Lang og Tro Tjenste". Engraved "Nils A. Ruud 1950". 01. Show less
Medals, non-regal, Denmark. 91.76 g. Bronze medal 54 mm, Adam Oehlenschläger 1850. 01.
Medals, non-regal, Denmark. 91.76 g. Bronze medal 54 mm, Adam Oehlenschläger 1850. 01. Show less
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. 68,47 g. Medalj i brons 1939, 56mm, Nitroglycerinaktiebolaget i originaletui. 01.
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. 68,47 g. Medalj i brons 1939, 56mm, Nitroglycerinaktiebolaget i originaletui. 01. Show less
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. "Myntortsmedaljen", Ljusnedal, Huså and Semlan, issued by Sveriges Numismatiska Riksförbund 1..
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Medals, non-regal, Sweden. "Myntortsmedaljen", Ljusnedal, Huså and Semlan, issued by Sveriges Numismatiska Riksförbund 1981, by Torsten Fridh. Bronze (60 mm), 131,35 g, 68/1000. In an elegant original box. Show less
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. Inauguration of Avesta myntmuseum in 1983, by Bo Thorén. Bronze (60 mm), 113,90 g. Low mintage. In original box. 01/0.
Medals, non-regal, Sweden. Inauguration of Avesta myntmuseum in 1983, by Bo Thorén. Bronze (60 mm), 113,90 g. Low mintage. In original box. 01/0. Show less