Sweden. **. A comprehensive collection to say the least with about 2150 stripes-of five 1920-73 in six Visir binders. Co..
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Sweden. **. A comprehensive collection to say the least with about 2150 stripes-of five 1920-73 in six Visir binders. Containing several expensive Coil stamps, wmks, papers, shades and some varieties etc. Some early * + also other stripes three/four etc. Facit approx. 640000 acc. to vendor. Approx. 14_kg. Show less
Sweden. **. CROWN& POSHORN. 32 different stripes-of five F156-74 incl. 156-58, 156cx, 159a+b, 160, 162cx, 163a, 167a and..
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Sweden. **. CROWN& POSHORN. 32 different stripes-of five F156-74 incl. 156-58, 156cx, 159a+b, 160, 162cx, 163a, 167a and 171 etc. Facit approx. 125000. Show less
Sweden. Collection/accumulation **/* 1890–modern in box. 9 albums/stockbooks with MNH and not cancelled Swedish stamps...
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Sweden. Collection/accumulation **/* 1890–modern in box. 9 albums/stockbooks with MNH and not cancelled Swedish stamps. Most of the modern material has been removed from letters without cancellation, however the MNH component nevertheless represents a substantial franking value. Also including stripes of MNH stamps. Additionally one small stockbook with cancelled stamps. Fine quality. (>10000) Show less
Sweden. Lot * 1860s–1910s on stock card. All different. Classic stamps in mixed quality incl. a few without gum and F15,..
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Sweden. Lot * 1860s–1910s on stock card. All different. Classic stamps in mixed quality incl. a few without gum and F15, 42, 48 and 49 thin. Facit close to 15000 (18) Show less
Sweden. **. 25 different stripes-of five 1932-36 F234-37+ 239-58), mostly with superb-excellent centering. F ca 24300.
Sweden. **. 25 different stripes-of five 1932-36 F234-37+ 239-58), mostly with superb-excellent centering. F ca 24300. Show less
Sweden. Accumulation ** 1950s–1960s in two large stockbooks. Sorted duplicates, up to 30–40 of each. Fine quality. (1000s)
Sweden. Accumulation ** 1950s–1960s in two large stockbooks. Sorted duplicates, up to 30–40 of each. Fine quality. (1000s) Show less
Sweden. Collection ** 1918–42 in Verbis leaves. E.g. Post Office 1936 compl. Fine quality.
Sweden. Collection ** 1918–42 in Verbis leaves. E.g. Post Office 1936 compl. Fine quality. Show less
Sweden. **. Stockbook with dupl. GV Medallion-1959 incl. many stripes, blocks-of-four and other units. F-1985 ca 16000.
Sweden. **. Stockbook with dupl. GV Medallion-1959 incl. many stripes, blocks-of-four and other units. F-1985 ca 16000. Show less
Sweden. Accumulation mostly ** coil stamps in visir album, many in strips. Fine quality.
Sweden. Accumulation mostly ** coil stamps in visir album, many in strips. Fine quality. Show less
Sweden. Accumulation ** mostly 1950s–1960s in glassine envelopes in shoe box. Incl. much booklets. (100s)
Sweden. Accumulation ** mostly 1950s–1960s in glassine envelopes in shoe box. Incl. much booklets. (100s) Show less
Sweden. Accumulation mostly ** mostly 1890s–1950s on visir leaves. Sorted duplicates, with several of each. Good quality. (2500)
Sweden. Accumulation mostly ** mostly 1890s–1950s on visir leaves. Sorted duplicates, with several of each. Good quality. (2500) Show less
Sweden. Lot **. 16 differnt BC/CB pairs e.g. both Linné, Berzelius BC, G V large numbers BC, some with faults but overall fine.
Sweden. Lot **. 16 differnt BC/CB pairs e.g. both Linné, Berzelius BC, G V large numbers BC, some with faults but overall fine. Show less
Sweden. **/*. Selection Circle types-1931 on Visir leaves incl. F28, 34, 59 and 233a*, nice Coil stamps incl. some strip..
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Sweden. **/*. Selection Circle types-1931 on Visir leaves incl. F28, 34, 59 and 233a*, nice Coil stamps incl. some stripes and some Landstorm etc. (125) Show less
Sweden. **/*. Lot duplicates small small officials (115), large officials (35). Dues perf. 14 and 13 (over 100). Mixed quality, high value.
Sweden. **/*. Lot duplicates small small officials (115), large officials (35). Dues perf. 14 and 13 (over 100). Mixed quality, high value. Show less
Sweden. Lot ** 1920s–1940s on stock card. F145E, 153, 155, 186, 192, 193, 234–37 (SET), 332C. Several superb. Fine quality. at least 3920 (14)
Sweden. Lot ** 1920s–1940s on stock card. F145E, 153, 155, 186, 192, 193, 234–37 (SET), 332C. Several superb. Fine quality. at least 3920 (14) Show less
Sweden. Lot ** 1920s–1930s on stock card. F143E, 144C, 145A, C, E, 146C, 148A, 151C, 152A, 168, 170a,b, 172a, 174c, etc...
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Sweden. Lot ** 1920s–1930s on stock card. F143E, 144C, 145A, C, E, 146C, 148A, 151C, 152A, 168, 170a,b, 172a, 174c, etc. Several superb. Fine quality. at least 4830 (18) Show less
Sweden. Mostly **. O II, Copperplate Recess. Lot with 5 - 25 öre and 50 öre in many shades. Fine quality. (103)
Sweden. Mostly **. O II, Copperplate Recess. Lot with 5 - 25 öre and 50 öre in many shades. Fine quality. (103) Show less
Sweden. Accumulation mostly ** on visir leaves. with officials and postage due stamps. Fine quality. (over 250)
Sweden. Accumulation mostly ** on visir leaves. with officials and postage due stamps. Fine quality. (over 250) Show less
Sweden. **. 13 different stripes-of five 1920-40 incl. e.g. F199-200, 263-65, 268 and 320-23 etc.
Sweden. **. 13 different stripes-of five 1920-40 incl. e.g. F199-200, 263-65, 268 and 320-23 etc. Show less
Sweden. **. Collection stripes, pairs, singles and booklets 1953-59 in album. F ca 8300.
Sweden. **. Collection stripes, pairs, singles and booklets 1953-59 in album. F ca 8300. Show less
Sweden. ** 1920–36. Coil stamps. All different, e.g. F 153, 166b, 168b, 170a, 172b, 174c, 175C, 181a, 184, 185a, 186a, 1..
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Sweden. ** 1920–36. Coil stamps. All different, e.g. F 153, 166b, 168b, 170a, 172b, 174c, 175C, 181a, 184, 185a, 186a, 187c, 190a, 193. Mostly good quality. F SEK 7.020 (24) Show less
Sweden. Collection/accumulation ** in stockbook. Ring type with posthorn - 1970.. High value, many better issues. (few *).
Sweden. Collection/accumulation ** in stockbook. Ring type with posthorn - 1970.. High value, many better issues. (few *). Show less
Sweden. **. Collection 1889–1974 in Estett album + leaves in two binders incl. better Coil stamps and 1924 issues, some Oscar II, etc.
Sweden. **. Collection 1889–1974 in Estett album + leaves in two binders incl. better Coil stamps and 1924 issues, some Oscar II, etc. Show less
Sweden. * 1920–36. Coil stamps. All different, e.g. F 149A, 151A+C, 154-55, 156, 158-59, 171, 180b, 63b, 167a, 171,151A+..
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Sweden. * 1920–36. Coil stamps. All different, e.g. F 149A, 151A+C, 154-55, 156, 158-59, 171, 180b, 63b, 167a, 171,151A+C, 154-55, 184. Mostly good quality. F SEK 6.155 (34) Show less
Sweden. ** 1920–36. Small coil stamps. All different, e.g. F 140C, 144C, 147, 149A, 151C, 151Cbz, 153, 155. Mostly good quality. F SEK 6.170 (17)
Sweden. ** 1920–36. Small coil stamps. All different, e.g. F 140C, 144C, 147, 149A, 151C, 151Cbz, 153, 155. Mostly good quality. F SEK 6.170 (17) Show less
Sweden. * 1872–1903. All different, e.g. F 19(*), 49, 55-59, 65. Mostly finre quality. F SEK 5.640 (10)
Sweden. * 1872–1903. All different, e.g. F 19(*), 49, 55-59, 65. Mostly finre quality. F SEK 5.640 (10) Show less
Sweden. * 1920–36. Coil stamps.. All different, e.g. F 141, 144Ccx, 149A, 151A+C, 153bz, 155-56, 158, 167b, 171. Mostly..
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Sweden. * 1920–36. Coil stamps.. All different, e.g. F 141, 144Ccx, 149A, 151A+C, 153bz, 155-56, 158, 167b, 171. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.025 (28) Show less
Sweden. ** 1920–36. Coil stamps. All different, e.g. F 140A+C, 142Ecc, 143Acc, 147, 149A, 151C, 152C, 153, 155, 166b, 16..
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Sweden. ** 1920–36. Coil stamps. All different, e.g. F 140A+C, 142Ecc, 143Acc, 147, 149A, 151C, 152C, 153, 155, 166b, 168b. Mostly good quality. F SEK 6.100 (24) Show less
Sweden. ** 1920–36. Coil stamps. All different, e.g. F 152C, 153, 166b, 168b, 170a, 172a, 174b+c, 175A+C, 180a+b. Mostly..
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Sweden. ** 1920–36. Coil stamps. All different, e.g. F 152C, 153, 166b, 168b, 170a, 172a, 174b+c, 175A+C, 180a+b. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.055 (22) Show less
Sweden. **/*. Approx. 350 Coil stamps on leaves F139-95 incl. dupl. Containing better values and watermarks, some stripes etc.
Sweden. **/*. Approx. 350 Coil stamps on leaves F139-95 incl. dupl. Containing better values and watermarks, some stripes etc. Show less
Sweden. Mostly *. Ca 120 copies WPC and UPU 1924 incl. e.g. 4 × F 205, F 208–09, F 211–22 incl. dupl. Also nin..
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Sweden. Mostly *. Ca 120 copies WPC and UPU 1924 incl. e.g. 4 × F 205, F 208–09, F 211–22 incl. dupl. Also nine * sets F 226–30. Mostly fine qual. Show less
Sweden. Accumulation mostly ** 1940s–1971 in large stockbook. Sorted duplicates mnh, up to ca. 40 of each. Also some ear..
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Sweden. Accumulation mostly ** 1940s–1971 in large stockbook. Sorted duplicates mnh, up to ca. 40 of each. Also some earlier material mixed **/*/¤. Mostly good quality. (1200) Show less
Sweden. **. Collection 1911-52 in two albums incl. pairs, stripes and some booklets etc. F ca 7800.
Sweden. **. Collection 1911-52 in two albums incl. pairs, stripes and some booklets etc. F ca 7800. Show less
Sweden. Collection **/* Most 1920–60s in album. incl. some BC/CB pairs.
Sweden. Collection **/* Most 1920–60s in album. incl. some BC/CB pairs. Show less
Sweden. Accumulation **/*. 1935–60 on leaves and in envelopes, also few year sets 1971–74.
Sweden. Accumulation **/*. 1935–60 on leaves and in envelopes, also few year sets 1971–74. Show less
Sweden. * 1877–1891. All different. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.010 (9)
Sweden. * 1877–1891. All different. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.010 (9) Show less
Sweden. * 1886–1911. All different, e.g. F 44-45, 55-60, 67. Mostly good quality. F SEK 4.950 (12)
Sweden. * 1886–1911. All different, e.g. F 44-45, 55-60, 67. Mostly good quality. F SEK 4.950 (12) Show less
Sweden. * 1920–34. Standing Lion, All different, e.g. F 140Acx+Ccxz, 141, 141bz, 142Acc, 144Abz+Acc+Cbz+Ccx+Ccxz+Ecxz. M..
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Sweden. * 1920–34. Standing Lion, All different, e.g. F 140Acx+Ccxz, 141, 141bz, 142Acc, 144Abz+Acc+Cbz+Ccx+Ccxz+Ecxz. Mostly good quality. F SEK 6.045 (22) Show less
Sweden. * 1920–33. Crown & Posthorn All different, e.g. F 156-60, 156cx, 163a+b, 165bz, 167a+b, 168d, 171. Mostly good quality. F SEK 6.175 (24)
Sweden. * 1920–33. Crown & Posthorn All different, e.g. F 156-60, 156cx, 163a+b, 165bz, 167a+b, 168d, 171. Mostly good quality. F SEK 6.175 (24) Show less
Sweden. ** 1877–1903. All different, e.g. F 32, 44, 55-57, 52cvm1, 54v1, 56vm1. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.990 (17)
Sweden. ** 1877–1903. All different, e.g. F 32, 44, 55-57, 52cvm1, 54v1, 56vm1. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.990 (17) Show less
Sweden. ** 1891–1916. All different, e.g. F 55, 66-67, 75, 85, 88-90, 105-14. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.115 (24)
Sweden. ** 1891–1916. All different, e.g. F 55, 66-67, 75, 85, 88-90, 105-14. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.115 (24) Show less
Sweden. ** 1920–34. Stående lejon, All different, e.g. F 140A+C+Ccx,144A+C+Ccx, 145C, 145E, 147, 148C. Mostly good quality. F SEK 4.970 (22)
Sweden. ** 1920–34. Stående lejon, All different, e.g. F 140A+C+Ccx,144A+C+Ccx, 145C, 145E, 147, 148C. Mostly good quality. F SEK 4.970 (22) Show less
Sweden. Lot * 1870s–1920s on stock card. All different, incl. F 21 (') (small thin spot) and F 48 (re-perf.) o..
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Sweden. Lot * 1870s–1920s on stock card. All different, incl. F 21 (') (small thin spot) and F 48 (re-perf.) otherwise mostly very fine quality. Facit at least 4,300. (18) Show less
Sweden. * 1920–36. Crown & Posthorn. All different, e.g. F 156-60, 163a+b, 167a+b, 171. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.015 (15)
Sweden. * 1920–36. Crown & Posthorn. All different, e.g. F 156-60, 163a+b, 167a+b, 171. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.015 (15) Show less
Sweden. ** 1886–1914. All different, e.g. Mi 44, 54v1, 55, 66-67, 75, 85, 88-90. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.125 (17)
Sweden. ** 1886–1914. All different, e.g. Mi 44, 54v1, 55, 66-67, 75, 85, 88-90. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.125 (17) Show less
Sweden. ** 1920–36. Small coil stamps. All different, e.g. F 140A+C, 144C, 145C, 147, 149A+C, 151A+C. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.065 (18)
Sweden. ** 1920–36. Small coil stamps. All different, e.g. F 140A+C, 144C, 145C, 147, 149A+C, 151A+C. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.065 (18) Show less
Sweden. * 1920–34. Coil stamps.. All different, e.g. F 141, 144Ccx, 144Ecxz, 149A, 151A+C, 154-55, 155bz, 156, 158, 171...
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Sweden. * 1920–34. Coil stamps.. All different, e.g. F 141, 144Ccx, 144Ecxz, 149A, 151A+C, 154-55, 155bz, 156, 158, 171. Mostly good quality. F SEK 4.965 (27) Show less
Sweden. * 1920–36. Coil stamps.. All different, e.g. F 141, 149A, 151A+C, 180b, 184, 187a, 189, 190a+b. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.195 (38)
Sweden. * 1920–36. Coil stamps.. All different, e.g. F 141, 149A, 151A+C, 180b, 184, 187a, 189, 190a+b. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.195 (38) Show less
Sweden. ** 1920–36. Coil stamps. All different, e.g. F 152C, 153, 166b, 168b, 170a, 172b, 174b+c, 175A+C, 176A+C. Mostly..
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Sweden. ** 1920–36. Coil stamps. All different, e.g. F 152C, 153, 166b, 168b, 170a, 172b, 174b+c, 175A+C, 176A+C. Mostly good quality. F SEK 5.055 (22) Show less
Sweden. **/*. Mainly ** lot GV Medallion-1940's on Visir leaves incl. e.g. stripes, pair combinations, blocks-of-four, h..
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Sweden. **/*. Mainly ** lot GV Medallion-1940's on Visir leaves incl. e.g. stripes, pair combinations, blocks-of-four, high values and Coil stamps etc. incl. some better. (>700) Show less
Sweden. Collection/accumulation (*) 1891–1970s in visir album. Duplicates incl. a few officials and postage due. (1500)
Sweden. Collection/accumulation (*) 1891–1970s in visir album. Duplicates incl. a few officials and postage due. (1500) Show less
Sweden. Lot * 1870s–1920s. on stock card. All different., incl. F21 (*). Mostly fine quality. Facit 2,735. (18)
Sweden. Lot * 1870s–1920s. on stock card. All different., incl. F21 (*). Mostly fine quality. Facit 2,735. (18) Show less
Sweden. * 1921–36. GV Coil. All different, e.g. F 179Abz, 180b, 184, 186b, 181a, 189, 190a+b, 191a, 192b. Mostly good quality. F SEK 4.400 (26)
Sweden. * 1921–36. GV Coil. All different, e.g. F 179Abz, 180b, 184, 186b, 181a, 189, 190a+b, 191a, 192b. Mostly good quality. F SEK 4.400 (26) Show less
Sweden. **. Small lot better issues ring type - medallion eg. 40**' 45 *, 32** x 2, 44**, 52 x 4, 54 x7 **, 75 ** etc.
Sweden. **. Small lot better issues ring type - medallion eg. 40**' 45 *, 32** x 2, 44**, 52 x 4, 54 x7 **, 75 ** etc. Show less
Sweden. Lot * Officials large size on stock card. 3 and 5 öre perf. 14, and 5, 6, 10, 30, 50 öre and 1 kr perf. 13. Also..
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Sweden. Lot * Officials large size on stock card. 3 and 5 öre perf. 14, and 5, 6, 10, 30, 50 öre and 1 kr perf. 13. Also 2x50 öre small officials with wm crown. 30 öre without gum and two stamps with thin spots. Somewhat mixed quality. F 2720 (10) Show less
Sweden. Accumulation ** c. 1940–65 in stockbook Fine quality. Catalogue value acc. to vendor F 16000
Sweden. Accumulation ** c. 1940–65 in stockbook Fine quality. Catalogue value acc. to vendor F 16000 Show less
Sweden. Collection * 1892–1943 in album with stamp mounts. Some better issues e.g. WPC 20-40 öre, cpl 1928, Lützen 1933,..
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Sweden. Collection * 1892–1943 in album with stamp mounts. Some better issues e.g. WPC 20-40 öre, cpl 1928, Lützen 1933, Parliament 1935, many sets 1940s (no pairs). Good quality. Show less
Sweden. **. 100 blocks Agueli 1969, sealed bundle 100 H176 World champion skating. also opened bundle H176. Small lot HA4-26 and others.
Sweden. **. 100 blocks Agueli 1969, sealed bundle 100 H176 World champion skating. also opened bundle H176. Small lot HA4-26 and others. Show less
Sweden. **. Lot dues : L11 x 2, L12, L14, L15, L16, L18. Excellent quality.
Sweden. **. Lot dues : L11 x 2, L12, L14, L15, L16, L18. Excellent quality. Show less
Sweden. **. Six different BC/CB-pairs with wide margins incl. 266+267BC/CB and Bellman BC+CB.
Sweden. **. Six different BC/CB-pairs with wide margins incl. 266+267BC/CB and Bellman BC+CB. Show less