Lot 2062 K

Sweden. Utlandsanknytning. Germany. Unpaid letter sent from STOCKHOLM 23.9.1851 via Ystad–Stralsund to Mannheim. Cancellations AUS SCHWEDEN, STRALSUND 37.9, BERLIN-STETTIN 28.9, BERLIN-LEIPZIG 28.9, MAGDEBURG-LEIPZIG 28.9, HALLE-EISENACH 29.9 and MANNHEIM 29.SEP.51. The Swedish share was 8 sgr and the Prussian 3 sgr, together with the additional postage to Mannheim 11 sgr, equal to 47 kreuzer to be paid as postage due. Scarce destination, Grand Duchy of Baden R4 (4–10 recorded covers) according to Ferdén.
